"Play this game daily and stimulate your brain cells!"
Every time you play you get a unique problem as problems
are randomly generated!
Boost your memory power by just playing level 11 and level 12! This is real hard....No room for any mistake and that too within a fraction of second!
Now with new Graphics!
"Not really Preschooler stuff!"
Are you smarter than Pre Schooler ? Definitely you are.
But these pre schoolers are future scientists - they will give you serious challenge to your brain.
Find it out for yourself!
Play this game and have lots of fun. These Pre Schoolers are
pretty smart! They have excellent memory and observation power.They know numbers up to 99. They know how to add,
subtract and multiply. Take their challenges and enjoy !!!
Language Supported:
Smarter than Pré Schooler?
Klüger als Vorschulkind?
أذكى من مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة؟
¿Más elegante que pre escolar?
Smarter than Pré Schooler?
Più intelligente di Pre Schooler?
Умнее, чем дошкольника?